The words in the title by Rumi are so deep in the meaning and perhaps I did not understand them the way they should be. I would still take the courage to write something about it as I found the words very very touching.
When the pain rips one apart, not physically but spiritually, there are open wounds. One is exposed to the loss, abuse or bully and in most cases, this exposure is accompanied with loneliness. People you trusted or loved are proved to be selfish and the pain multiplies. There is no place of refuge, just darkness around. Under such times of distress, one questions the purpose of his/ her existence.
During the stability stage, when most of the things are turning out as per expectations, we make choices regarding people to hangout with, people to live with and people to trust. During the instability stage, when things don't turnout as per expectations, we feel betrayed because our choices are proved to be wrong and our love and care is not reciprocated. This is the time when we corner ourselves, detach from world and clad in depression and anxiety. Some strong people still manage to drive their life pretending to be normal but its not a joke and such people are also burning deep inside.
This wound and grief composes an important stage of one's life. Because of the way God Has created a human, the man chooses to live than to die and he makes tough decisions. He becomes a reservoir of energy and there is only one source left that can provide him with energy and that source is the Ultimate Truth- Almighty who is always by his side no matter what. The person who absorbs the light from the ultimate source is then a completely different human.
But one has to think how he came out of trial. If the answer is getting closer to the creator, it means that the "light" has indeed entered through but if unfortunately, the trial made him further away from the creator, it means that the open place of wound was not a reservoir of light from the ultimate source, it became the reservoir of negativities.
In any difficult situation where one has open wounds, do not forget that the light is there, its up to the human what he opts for the light or chooses to stay in darkness.