Did someone say it right that women are at their best when they approach 40's? On this birthday, I realized that I am approaching my best age. Time is slipping away from my hands like sand. When I look back at my life, it looks like a second ago, I was a little girl held by my father in his hands taking rounds of the house in an attempt to stop me from crying, and a mother always ready to welcome me whenever I would wake up from my sleep. Then I approached the golden age, when you are not scared of any obvious thing. You do what you want, and you know how to become stubborn in order to get what you want. Then the teenage starts, the stupidest life time. You have really big dreams becoming a famous actor, singer, or a stylish politician. You don't care what the society says about you. You want to do the craziest fashion, wanna be clad in such outfits which people may stop for a second to look at you. Then the twenties when you start to think about your career, marriage, kids. This is also age of dreaming but mature dreaming, or rather dreams that "can" come true. And then you begin with early thirties, the time span where you really think to settle down somewhere, take a break, think what you have achieved so far and what you further want to achieve but not for yourself but for those who are later going replace you - ! You cannot afford gambling at this age. People usually avoid making any bigger/ riskier decisions of their life at this stage of life.
This is the short story of my life! I guess that is the life of most people. Most but not for all. Everybody is born in a different situation. Being sheltered by loving parents is yet another comfort. When you lose them, that is the time you have to stand up for yourself and think mature. Some people never get mature because they know that they have a roof on their head and it will protect them in danger. The important thing is that people don't wait for you to get mature, neither does time. You have to meet their demands and you can no longer live in your isolated barbie world.
You have to stand up, take responsibilities and finish your journey of life with lesser regrets!!